Friday, May 6, 2011

Anime Five Cities is right around the corner!

Hey guys looking for a cheap anime convention that is on the central coast? Well Anime Five cities is almost here. This is the second year for this convention and yours truly is working the cosfest aka cosplay department! There will be so many cool things going on liek The Animaids performing and even the debut of a new idol group on the central coast. Come dress up and get your photos taken at the cosfest booth and even enter the masquerade! There will be video games to play, animes to watch and plenty of events to keep you entertained. The best part is it is only $11 if you Prereg now. Yeah $11 WTF man that is like the best deal around.... *totally sounding corny right now but really this is awesome*
Come check it out and say Hi to me at the Cosfest booth! Also don't forget to use the Hash-Tag #AFC2011 when on twitter. Let it be heard of the first and only central coast anime convention is here to stay!!
<3 Envy~

Roll a D6

This video was just uploaded on May 4th but I have seen it on 3 other blogs, it has a facebook page and has been tweeted by so many so here I give you Roll a D6!

Nerd out!~Envy DND <3