Thursday, February 10, 2011

Now more than ever!

As usual I have my gripes with Mavel films lately. I couldn't stop complaining about the Wolverine Origins movie enough. Oh, I'm still a big fan of the mutant with "adamantium rage", but the choice of movie stories have another thing coming from them. I can see that they would be going with the "First Class" of mutants for this film, but to me, being the comic book nut I am, Xavier's first class only consisted of Scott, Jean, Bobby, Warren, and Hank. But I guess today in the world of Hollywood and Disney/Marvel, they have to fill these films with more than just the original five and unfortunately opting out all of them except for Hank.

Speaking of the original five, does anyone miss Cyclops not being the the new Marvel VS Capcom 3? I mean, they have a good number of X-Men in there but not their field commander? I remember playing X-Men: Children of the Atom back on my Saturn and having him as one of my mains. Plus, an inside joke with my group of friends, whenever Cyke would use his optic blasts, instead of saying "optic blast" or something like that, I would always scream out "JEAN!" "JEAN!" And seriously, Jean is in MvC3 and he isn't? You think an awesome team would be him, Wolvie, and Jean, or at least put the family back together with Cyke, Jean, and Cable...Hopefully he'll be available as DLC.

Which reminds me, I always loved this Japanese intro for the animated cartoon for X-Men and the love conflict with Jean, Cyke, and Wolvie.

Sure, Dani thinks this cute, but I could rant on how wrong the powers are being used here...

Well, until next time, or at least I can figure out how to make a better outro, laters!

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